Friday, August 12, 2016

Fall Out Boy - Greatest Hits

First greatest hits, actually which is weird for only having 6 studio albums. I like greatest hits albums for only one reason: if fans don't know if they like bands or not? They can try out the greatest hits, and if they like them? They can check out more songs. I happen to like this because it has three extra songs. Two of them are normal songs, and the other one is a Christmas song, but with a twist. Just give it a listen and you'll see what I mean, but I do like this compile best compared to the one at the bottom. The booklet includes notes from the band, but be aware if you can read chicken scratch? You can make out what they written. I can't figure out what they wrote.

The other greatest hits album they have out. Before I bought it I had to make sure that it was legit (meaning it's an official release from the band, which it is) so I bought it. I like it, but it is weird. It has an unofficial released single (which has a video to it), but for me I don't really consider Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bet a "single" persay. I guess the band put it on there because it's an underrated single. What this lacks is no Take This To Your Grave songs, but it arranges from, From Under The Cork Tree to Folie a Deux? Nope that's not right at all, but like I said, it's the band release not mine.